Further images / Return to 2001
Description: Two stools, a small table, a glass jar, clock and two stands were installed on a footpath in Sydney, with the Action Researcher/Performer positioned on one of the stools. A sign attached to one of the stands read: 'Conversations for Collective Consciousness' and a second sign on the other stand read: 'Conversation Topic' with a start and finish time. Members of the public were encouraged to sit opposite the Action Researcher/Performer and choose a topic to talk about. The Action Researcher/Performer then wrote the topic onto the piece of paper for passers-by to read and at the end of the conversation added the timeframe. A glass jar on the table with a sign reading 'conversation starters' was filled with a range of topics that could be chosen, if a member of public was unable to think of a topic to discuss. Within twenty minutes two under-cover council workers arrived and told the Action Researcher/Performer that she would have to leave as her items could be a public liability threat for pedestrians to trip over.