Further images / Return to 2001
Description: The Action Researcher/Performer recorded a conversation with a local homeless person living in Kings Cross who described his opposing feelings of detachment and attachment to the public spaces in which he lived. From this text she then selected ten key words that exemplified the main points discussed and stenciled them in black paint onto both sides of five suitcases uniformly painted white. The Action Researcher/Performer then progressively moved these suitcases from one end of Kings Cross to the other, positioning them one after the other along the footpath in different configurations as she walked. The reading of the script therefore continually changed, depending upon where someone encountered the suitcases. Once the Action Researcher/Performer had walked both lengths of Macleay Street, returning to the spot where she began, she hailed a taxi and loaded the suitcases inside. She asked the driver to go around the block and then return her back to where she was originally picked up. Once she returned, the suitcases were unloaded and she began again moving them up and down the footpath.