Further images / Return to 2001
Description: Two Action Researcher/Performers were stationed in front of an inner city wall notorious for graffiti and often because of this, subject to council 'clean-up' measures. They were asked to assess the graffiti imagery and choose a section (within a limited frame) to reproduce. Each was equipped with an easel, board, paint and paint palette, to effectively transpose the selected surface image. Referencing similar reproductions made by budding artists in galleries around the world such as in the Louvre in Paris or the National Portrait Gallery in London, the Action Researcher/Performers began copying the wall imagery as accurately as possible. Passers-by stopped to observe the identified painting, some local youths initially resistant (thinking authorities were once again erasing their work) soon with great pride revealed the identity of their friends who had painted the various graffiti images or tags on the wall. Once the reproductions were complete the boards were positioned back on the wall inside the frame.