Blue Mountains / Surry Hills / Green Square / Return to Machine-Vehicles
Function: To generate, collect and communicate data and stories from place; to engage members of the public in storytelling about the local area; to create poems from place; and to create an archive of place specific narratives.
Design Features: All weather aluminium construction; etched and painted acrylic sheets; display capacity of six tracks with twenty-two letter units per track; 100mm wheels with breaks (x 4); and easily accessible storage of alphabet and punctuation units.
Deployment: Possible in most city terrains. Hard surfaces, concrete or bitumen easier than softer gravel or grass. Steep slopes to be avoided. Level ground required when stationary. Medium to busy pedestrian traffic location most effective. Ideally not deployed in strong wind.
Public Engagement: One to two members of the public can talk about their experience of the location with the AR/P at any one time. Unlimited public audience.
Action Researcher/Performer's (AR/P) Role: Makes progressive selections of text for display from pre-recorded historical and contemporary narratives documented in available bound booklet; engages members of the public to elicit their experience of the area; records elements of these conversations into the booklet; adds parts of these conversations to the display; and documents each display variation.
Assistant's Role: One assistant required to undertake still and video image documentation.
See further details about the Moving Story-Telling Vehicle (M-V08 MSTV) here.
“Art by the people, for the people, of the people - some achievement!”
“We really like this project. You could take it to lots of other places in Australia, even to hospitals and it would work really well.” (Members of the public)