Further images / Return to 2006
Description: The Action Researcher/Performer wheeled the CITYtalking vehicle around Melbourne’s CBD for five weeks, stopping at selected laneways across the city. Members of the public were encouraged to enter and engage in an anonymous (blind) conversation. An intercom was installed for communication between both compartments of the vehicle. The Action Researcher/Performer received and typed the story being told into a laptop computer. After the member of the public exited the vehicle, the Action Researcher/Performer edited the story and then transmitted/published the file to two LED screens positioned on the outside of the vehicle for passers-by to read. Over the five-week period, a diverse range of narratives about life in Melbourne were accumulated and broadcast back into the public spaces of the city. Each contributor was aware of, and agreed to, their personal story of the city ‘going live’.
Guest contributors: Nada, Anna, Aaron, Stew, Peter, Roger, Jackie, Jamie, Stass, Suzie, Luke, Mathew, Bardia, Diana, Lachlan, Belinda, Hanna, James, Olivia, Leonie, Mari, William, Andy, Michelle, Julia, Sanjay, Joseph, Kari, Jean, Aaron, Daniel, Jari, Jenn, John, Jamie, Joe, Ben, Dante, Helen, Greg, Carston, Vivian, Bub, Elisha, Samu, Annise, Oly, Cara, Bob, Joe, Lee, Lindsey, Mat, Sophia, Liam, Renato, Joe, Casey, Orriel, Mickey, Jesse, Maria, Marty, Ingrid, Morgan, Fiona, Joyce, Sophie, John, Kate, Alex, James, Willy, Drew, Ebbon, Juni, Azara, Mickey, Molly, Bryne, Ming, Lauren, Lucy, Abraham, Ben, Luke, Michelle, Conrad, Tim, George, Kassey, Pia, Conor, David, Donna, Emily, Romy, Anika, Emily, Meredith, Rachel, Geneva, Sassey, Anthony, Jason, Steve, Carlo, Missi, Reuben, Sara, Sarah, Barry, Maddy, Zoe, Hanna and numerous others.
CITYtalking stories can be viewed here.
CITYtalking response can be viewed here.
See further deployment details here.